Totalitarianism research
My research examines the history and theory of the concept of totalitarianism. Questions examined and answered are: when did totalitarianism first emerge as a term and why? What kinds of totalitarian regimes have existed? What are the differences between totalitarianism and other regimes such as dictatorships, autocracies and military juntas? Is radical Islam an example of totalitarianism and, if not, why not? Who are the most important theorists of totalitarianism?
- "Totalitarianism in America? Robert Nisbet on the 'Wilson War State' and Beyond," The American Sociologist 1 (1) 2014, pp. 35-66.
- "Debating Totalitarianism: An Exchange of Letters between Eric Voegelin and Hannah Arendt" (with Gordon C. Wells), History and Theory (51: 3), 2012, pp. 364-380.
- Hannah Arendt, Totalitarianism and the Social Sciences (Author), Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010, pp.221.
- “Totalitarianism,” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas Vol. 6, 2005, pp. 2342-2348.
- Dictatorship in History and Theory: Bonapartism, Caesarism, Totalitarianism (Co-editor [with Melvin Richter] and contributor), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 308.