- Peter Baehr (forthcoming 2015). Founders, Classics, Canons: Modern Disputes over the Origins and Appraisal of Sociology's Heritage. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction. 2nd, paperback edition with a Preface by Steven Lukes.
- Peter Baehr (2010). Hannah Arendt, Totalitarianism and the Social Sciences. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 248. Author.
- Peter Baehr (2008). Caesarism, Charisma and Fate. New Brunswick, N.J. Transaction, pp. 243.
- Peter Baehr (1998). Caesar and The Fading of the Roman World: A Study in Republicanism and Caesarism. New Brunswick, N.J: Transaction, pp.359. A Choice "Outstanding Book of 1998".
Edited Books
- Peter Baehr (forthcoming 2015). The Anthem Companion to Hannah Arendt. Editor and contributor. London/New York: Anthem.
- Peter Baehr (2005). Eichmann and the Holocaust. (A truncated version of Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem that first appeared in Peter Baehr [ed.] The Portable Hannah Arendt.) New York: Penguin, pp. 130.
- Peter Baehr and Melvin Richter (2004). Dictatorship in History and Theory: Bonapartism, Caesarism, Totalitarianism. Co-editor and contributor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 308.
- Peter Baehr and Gordon C. Wells. (2002). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism and Other Writings (Co-editor/translator), New York: Penguin, pp. 392. Nominated for the Wolff (Translation) Prize, 2003.
- Peter Baehr (2000). The Portable Hannah Arendt. Editor. New York: Penguin,2nd ed. 2003, pp. 576 + lxii.
- Peter Baehr and Gordon C. Wells.(1995). Max Weber: The Russian Revolutions. Co-editor/translator. Cornell University Press, pp.287.
Journal Special Issues
- Peter Baehr (2014). A Conservative in Academe: Robert Nisbet and American Sociology. Special issue of The American Sociologist. Guest Editor and Contributor. 45:1.
- Peter Baehr (2011). Journal of Classical Sociology. Special Issue on the Thought and Legacy of Raymond Aron. Guest Editor and contributor. 11:2.
- Peter Baehr (2005). Journal of Classical Sociology. Special Issue on the Centenary of Max Weber’s “Protestant Ethic”. Guest Editor. 5:1.
- Peter Baehr (2001). Citizenship Studies. Special Issue on Citizenship and Democracy in Hong Kong 5:2. Editor and Contributor, pp.131.
- Peter Baehr and Mike O'Brien. (1994). Current Sociology. Special Issue on Canons 42:1. pp.126.
Book chapters
- Peter Baehr (forthcoming, 2015a). Movement, Formation, Maintenance: Totalitarian Variations. In otalitarian Societies and Democratic Transition (ed. Tomasso Piffer). Budapest/New York: Central European University Press.
- Peter Baehr (forthcoming, 2015b). Entries on “Community of Fate,” “Debunking,” “Grey Zone,” “Phobic Social Language,” and “Social Closure” In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition (ed. George Ritzer). Oxford: Wiley.
- Peter Baehr (forthcoming, 2015c). British Sociology and Raymond Aron. In Sociological Amnesia: Cross Currents in Disciplinary History (eds. Alexander Law and Eric Royal Lybeck). London: Ashgate. R
- Peter Baehr (forthcoming, 2014). What Use are Europe’s Heritages in Looking to the Future? In HA: The Journal of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and the Humanities at Bard College.
- Peter Baehr (2011). L’ideologia totalitaria: interpretazioni a confronto. In Società totalitarie e transizione all demcrozia (eds. Tomasso Piffer and Vladislav Zubok.) Bologna: Il Mulino, 73-105.
- Peter Baehr (2008). City under Siege. In Networked Disease: Emerging Infections in the Global City (eds. Harris Ali and Roger Keil). Oxford: Blackwell, 138-151.
- Peter Baehr (2006). Randall Collins. In John Scott (editor), Fifty Key Sociologists: The Formative Theorists. London: Routledge, 84-90.
- Peter Baehr (2004). Max Weber and the Avatars of Caesarism. In Dictatorship in History and Theory: Bonapartism, Caesarism, Totalitarianism (Co-editor [with Melvin Richter] and contributor), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 155-174. R
- Peter Baehr (2002a). Entries on a) “Asian Values” and b) “Classics of Sociology” In William Outhwaite (ed.) Dictionary of Modern Social Thought. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
- Peter Baehr (2002b). Freedom, Politics, and Social Science: Hannah Arendt in America. In David Kettler (ed.), Contested Legacies: The German-Speaking Intellectual and Cultural Emigration to the United States and United Kingdom, 1933-1945, Annandale-on-Hudson: Bard College,4-7.
- Peter Baehr (2001). The Grammar of Prudence. In Steven Aschheim (ed.), Hannah Arendt in Jerusalem (Berkeley: University of California Press, 306-324, (endnotes on 407-416). Translated into Hebrew in 2008 under the auspices of the Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem. R
- Peter Baehr and Richard Bellamy (2000). Carl Schmitt and the Contradictions of Liberal Democracy. Rethinking Liberalism. London: Pinter, 67-90.
- Peter Baehr (1999). “What Should Universities Do?” in Macau and its Neighbours Towards the 21st Century, edited by D.Y. Yuan. Macau: Macau University Press, 245-250.
- Peter Baehr (1993).Entries on: a) Bonapartism, b) Caesarism, c) Charisma, and d) Dictatorship in William Outhwaite and Tom Bottomore (eds.) Dictionary of Twentieth Century Social Thought, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
- Peter Baehr (1988). Max Weber as a Critic of Bismarck. European Journal of Sociology, 29 (1), 149-164. (Reprinted in P. Hamilton (ed.) Max Weber: Critical Assessments, Vol. I, Routledge: 1991) R
Journal Articles
- Peter Baehr. (2014a). Totalitarianism in America? Robert Nisbet on the ‘Wilson War State’ and Beyond. The American Sociologist,45 (1), 84-102. R
- Peter Baehr. (2014b). The Informers: Hannah Arendt’s Appraisal of Whittaker Chambers and the Ex-Communists. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 1 (1), in press. R
- Peter Baehr. (2013a). The Honored Outsider: Raymond Aron as Sociologist. Sociological Theory, 31 (2), 93-115. R
- Peter Baehr. (2013b). The Undoing of Humanism: Peter L. Berger's Sociology of Unmasking. Society, 50 (4), 379-390.
- Peter Baehr and Daniel Gordon. (2013c). From the Headscarf to the Burqa: The Role of Social Theorists in Shaping Laws Against the Veil. Economy and Society, 42 (2), 249 - 280. R
- Peter Baehr. (2013d). The Problem of Unmasking in Ideology and Utopia. Sociologica: Italian Journal of Sociology On-Line,1,1-32. R
- Peter Baehr and Daniel Gordon. (2013e). From Secularism to Reciprocity: Banning the Veil in France and Beyond. E-International Relations, , September 16.
- Peter Baehr and Daniel Gordon. (2012a). Unmasking and Disclosure: Contrasting Modes for Understanding Religious and Other Beliefs. Journal of Sociology, 48 (4), 380-396. R
- Peter Baehr and Gordon C. Wells. (2012b). Debating Totalitarianism: An Exchange of Letters between Hannah Arendt and Eric Voegelin. History and Theory 51 (3), 364-380. R
- Peter Baehr and Daniel Gordon. (2012c). On the Edge of Solidarity: The Burqa and Public Life. Society, 49 (5), 457-467.
- Peter Baehr. (2011a). Imagining Sociological Theory,” Canadian Journal of Sociology, 36 (2), 213-218. (review essay).
- Peter Baehr. (2011b). Marxism and Islamism: Intellectual Conformity in Raymond Aron’s Time and Our Own,” Journal of Classical Sociology, 11 (2), 173-90. R
- Peter Baehr. (2011c). Purity and Danger in the Modern University. Society, 48 (4), 297-300.
- Peter Baehr. (2010a). China the Anomaly. European Journal of Political Theory, 9 (3), 267-286. R
- Peter Baehr. (2010b). Leon Botstein on Hannah Arendt and Max Weber: An Interview. Max Weber Studies, 10 (1), 95-100.
- Peter Baehr. (2009a). Tribes and Terror in the Middle East: A Conversation with Philip Salzman. Society, 46 (5), 394-7.
- Peter Baehr. (2009b). The Novelty of Jihadist Terror. Society, 46 (3), 210-13.
- Peter Baehr. (2009c). The Fabrication of Man. History of the Human Sciences, 22 (2), 121-127. R
- Peter Baehr. (2008a). An American University in Afghanistan: An Interview with Athanasios Moulakis. Society, 46 (1), 9-11.
- Peter Baehr. (2008b). What are the ‘knowledge-conditions’ of sociology? A Response to Gary Wickham and Harry Freemantle. Current Sociology, 56 (6), 943-951. R
- Peter Baehr. (2007a). Philosophy, Sociology, and the Intelligentsia: Hannah Arendt''s Engounter with Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Knowledge. Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 19 (3), 341-373 (in Chinese and English). R
- Peter Baehr. (2007b). The ‘Masses’ in Hannah Arendt’s Theory of Totalitarianism. The Good Society, 16 (2), 12-18.
- Peter Baehr. (2007c). Fascism, Ethnic Cleansing, and the ‘New Militarism': Assessing the Recent Historical Sociology of Michael Mann” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 10 (1), 99-113. R
- Peter Baehr. (2006a). Susan Sontag, Battle Language, and the Hong Kong SARS Outbreak of 2003. Economy and Society, Vol. 35 (1), 42-64. R
- Peter Baehr. (2006b). Pacifismo realista. Ventunesimo Secolo, October, 217-226.
- Peter Baehr. (2005a). Social Extremity, Communities of Fate, and the Sociology of SARS. European Journal of Sociology, 46 (2), 179-211. R
- Peter Baehr. (2005b). Deciphering a Classic Text: The Protestant Ethic and the 'Spirit' of Capitalism" 100 Years On. Shiso (in Japanese), No. 978, 6-27.
- Peter Baehr. (2005c). The Sociology of Almost Everything. (Debate with Randall Collins), Canadian Journal of Sociology Online Jan.-Feb.
- Peter Baehr. (2005d). Totalitarianism. New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, Vol. 6, 2342-2348. R
- Peter Baehr. (2005e). Personal Dilemma or Intellectual Influence? The Relationship between Hannah Arendt and Max Weber. Max Weber Studies, 5 (1), 125-130. R
- Peter Baehr. (2004). Schicksalsgemeinschaft in German Political Thought. Societas: A China Journal for the Philosophical Study of Public Affairs, 13, 181-200. R
- Peter Baehr. (2004a). Of Politics and Social Science: ‘Totalitarianism’ in the Dialogue of David Riesman and Hannah Arendt. European Journal of Political Theory, 3 (2), 191-217. R
- Peter Baehr. (2004b). In Search of Joanna Tse: Reflections on Heroism and Decency in Extreme Situations. Quest 3 (2), 13-35. R
- Peter Baehr. (2004c). On the Heroism of Decency. St. John’s Review, 72, 20-21.
- Peter Baehr. (2004d). Hong Kong, la Cina continentale e l’epidemia della Sars. Ventunesimo Secolo 6, 91-115.
- Peter Baehr. (2003a). City of Masks. Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, March-April.
- Peter Baehr. (2003b). Heart, Character, and a Science of Man. Political Theory, 31 (1), 117-125. R
- Peter Baehr. (2002). Identifying the Unprecedented: Hannah Arendt, Totalitarianism and the Critique of Sociology. American Sociological Review, 67 (6), 804-831. R
- Peter Baehr. (2001a). The People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong’s New Political Dispensation. Citizenship Studies, 5 (2), 101-125. R
- Peter Baehr. (2001b). The Iron Cage and the Shell as Hard as Steel: Parsons, Weber and the Stahlhartes Gehäuse Metaphor in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. History and Theory, 40 (2), 153-169. R
- Peter Baehr. (2001c). Sentinels in a Pitch Black Night. Society, 38 (3), 80-84.
- Peter Baehr. (2000a). E.P. Thompson and European Nuclear Disarmament: A Critical Retrospective. Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution, 3:1 March. R
- Peter Baehr. (2000b). Feature Review” of books by Ruth Cherrington, Bruce Gilley and Willy Wo-Lap Lam. China Review International, 7 (1), 7-18. R
- Peter Baehr. (1999a). An Ancient Sense of Politics”? Weber, Caesarism and the Republican Tradition. European Journal of Sociology, 40 (2), 333-350.
- Peter Baehr (1999b). Review essay of Randall Collins. The Sociology of Philosophies. A Global Theory of Intellectual Change. Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, May.
- Peter Baehr. (1994). Mundane Foundationalism and the Limits of ‘Radical’ Social Theory. Textual Practice, 8 (3), 516-526. R
- Peter Baehr. (1991). Peace Politics. Politics, 11 (1), 43-48. R
- Peter Baehr. (1990a). The ‘Masses’ in Weber’s Political Sociology. Economy and Society, 19 (2), 242-265. R
- Peter Baehr. (1990b). Critical Realism, Cautionary Realism. Sociological Review, 38 (4), 767-777. R
- Peter Baehr. (1989). Weber and Weimar: The Reich President Proposals. Politics, 9 (1), 20-25. R
- Peter Baehr. (1988). Peace and Political Theory: A Response to Paul Hirst. Economy and Society, 17 (1), 90-108. R
- Peter Baehr. (1985). The ‘Irrationality’ of the Arms Race. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 2 (2), 231-241. R
- Peter Baehr. (1987). Accounting for Caesarism: Introduction to Gollwitzer. Economy and Society, 6 (2), 341-356. R
- Peter Baehr. (1979). Durkheim’s Review of Philosophie des Geldes. Social Research, 46 (2), 321-328. R
- Peter Baehr. (forthcoming, 2014).“Victor Zaslavsky,” in Portraits of Victor Zaslavsky (Bologna: Il Mulino).
- Peter Baehr. (2013). Review of "Why Concepts Matter. Translating Social and Political Thought". European Legacy 18 (4), 77-81.
- Peter Baehr. (2010). Review of Pierre Birnbaum, “The Geography of Hope,” Canadian Journal of Sociology. 35 (1), 159-161.
- Peter Baehr. (2008). Review of Dmitry Shlapentokh, “The Proto-Totalitarian State: Punishment and Control in Absolutist Regimes,” International History Review, 30 (3), 603-4.
- Peter Baehr. (2008). Review of Sam Whimster , “Understanding Weber”. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 33 (3), 701-3.
- Peter Baehr. (2007). Review of Steve Fuller, “The New Sociological Imagination”. British Journal of Sociology 58 (3) September, 500-1.
- Peter Baehr. (2003). “Touched souls” Times Literary Supplement, 28 November, 24-25.
- Peter Baehr. (2003). “The Critical Path” Times Literary Supplement 31st January, 3-5. Feature article
- Peter Baehr. (2003). Review of “In the Grip of Freedom” by Cary Boucock, Canadian Journal of Sociology, 27 (4), 587-590.
- Peter Baehr. (2002). “A Wheel that has Come Off”. Times Literary Supplement 12th April, 3-4. Feature article
- Peter Baehr. (2001). “My Father's Watch” (memoir), TickleAce: A Journal of Literary and Visual Art, 36, 84-86.
- Peter Baehr. (2000). “The anti-politics of two-world theory”. Hannah Arendt Newsletter, 3, May 15-17.
- Peter Baehr. (2000). “Frieda and the Sphinx”. Times Literary Supplement, Feb. 11, 5-8.
- Peter Baehr. (1999). Review of Anthony Giddens and Christopher Pierson, “Conversations with Anthony Giddens”. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 2 (3), 431-433.
- Peter Baehr. (1999). “In the Talking Shop”. Times Literary Supplement, August 27, 19.
- Peter Baehr. (1999). “After Revolution and Democratization: Conceptualizing the 18th Brumaires and Regimes of the Two Bonapartes,” Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, September, 24-5. (This Conference report also appears in an abbreviated form in Annales Historiques de la Revolution française, 3, 1999.)
- Peter Baehr. (1999). “Rallying to Little Rock”. Times Literary Supplement, February 5, 26.
- Peter Baehr. (1998/1999). “Nazi Germany and Totalitarianism”. Harvard International Review, 21:1 (Winter 1998/1999): 6-7.
- Peter Baehr. (1998). “The Erosion of Conscience in Nazi German”. Newsletter of the Association of Contemporary Church Historians, 4:12, (WWW.)
- Peter Baehr. (1997). “Sociology and Interpretation”. Contemporary Sociology, 26 (6), 134.
- Peter Baehr. (1997). “The Age of New Words”. Times Literary Supplement, October 3, 27.
- Peter Baehr. (1993). “A Commitment to Campaign,” British Sociological Review, 44 (2), 349-50.
- Peter Baehr. (1993). “Beyond Bricolage,” Semiotic Review of Books, 4 (2), 7-8.
- Peter Baehr. (1992). Review of books by L.A. Scaff, G. Oakes and P. Lassman and I. Velody, British Journal of Sociology 43 (1), 86-87.
- Peter Baehr. (1990). “Personality and Passion”. Times Higher Education Supplement, 23 March, 18, (Feature article, written with Richard Bellamy.)
- Peter Baehr. (1990). “A Legacy to be Treasured”. Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 Novembe, 23.
- Peter Baehr. (1989). “Military Presences”. Times Higher Education Supplement, 27 October 27, 27
- Peter Baehr. (1989). “The Mystery of Albert Speer”. Times Higher Education Supplement, 22 September, 15. (Short article based on my interview with Speer, Hitler’s architect and War Minister.)